Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scenes from Rockland Maine

My son and I visited my brother over Columbus Day weekend.  The traffic was terrible but the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  I just thought I'd share a few photos with you.  Regular, Film and Infrared...(didn't take my large format film camera with me)...

The "Beach"

Owls Head in full color!

Yes, this was the evening dusk colors:
The lighthouse...
Some rocks:
A sail...
and a Rose...
Don't forget to check in at David Aimone Photography...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Martha's Vineyard — On Film

It does take a while to process film and to reveal its mysterious results!  The waiting can make for true disappointments, wonderful surprises and everything in between.  Here are a few of the large format results out of about the two dozen black and white negatives I imaged:

And now to the trusty antique 6x6 Weltur camera...

Have a great week!  Thanks for viewing...